Nine Start Keys-Unlocking the Path to your Genius

Invitation to a Talk: “Nine Star Keys – Unlocking the Path to your Genius“

Are you ready to discover the beauty inside of you?
From the moment we are born, external influences begin shaping us. Often, we end up living according to what others expect, hesitating in decision-making out of fear of making the wrong choices. But the truth is, that inside each of us lies vast potential and beauty, and it is limited only by the way we see ourselves aand the world around us.
Join me for an insightful talk on Nine Star Keys, a powerful blend of three transformative systems designed to help you better understand yourself and your relationships:
✨ Nine Star Ki Astrology: An ancient system offering deep insights into how you relate to others, and which connections are most harmonious for you.
✨ Human Design: Learn the principles of strategy and authority to make conscious,
aligned decisions in your life.
✨ Gene Keys: Each Gene Key represents the shadow, the gift, and the perfection.

Through contemplation, you’ll discover your personal keys and learn to live them fully.
During this talk, I’ll share how these systems work together to guide you toward selfdiscovery and personal empowerment. Let me inspire you as you explore who you truly are.

I look forward to see you at the event!
IG account: @sandra.baerenfeldt

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