Aotearoa Health and Well-Being

Land of the Long White Cloud

Hi, my name is Denise Hennin and my business is called Aotearoa Health and Well-Being. I am originally from New Zealand hence the name Aotearoa, which is the Maori language means “Land of the Long White Cloud”. I am a very keen golfer and cyclist, and I am living my best life based in Silves.

Our products for the mind, body and spirit

I am an Independent Team Member for Synergy Worldwide and working to establish my business here in Portugal.
Our products help you get more out of life with science-led supplements and vitamins based on nobel-prize winning research.

Our starting goal is for the mind, body and spirit to work in perfect harmony with unique nutritional solutions.
Synergy was founded on the idea that we make the world a healthier and happier place, one product at a time.

My goal

My goal is to help each and every one of my customers to achieve the very best version of themselves, so matter what state of health they start in. Synergy has been helping customers for over 20 years to achieve their health and well-being goals, now it is time for me to help you!

I can’t wait to start you on the road to better health and better performance to enjoy their life in Portugal even more than you already are.

And, our products are available throughout the world, so if you don’t stay in Portugal permanently, you can still purchase our products online and have them delivered to your home wherever that is (as long as Synergy is available there).

I look forward to meeting you and chatting with you about how to begin your health and well-being journey.
Yours in health, Denise 🙂

Information & contact

Aotearoa Health and Well-Being

+351 936 120360