Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapist

After 6 years of studying I started a professional career as Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapist
in the year 2000 in the country I live in the Netherlands. I am a member of the Dutch Association of Traditional Chinese Zhong Vereniging and Dutch Association of Natural Medicine NWP Vereniging”. In my 18 years as professional my specialisations are Traditional Acupuncture, Laser Acupuncture, Massagen Tui Na for Adults and Children, Nutrition, Qi Gong Exercise and meditation Trainer. In the year 2016 I published my first book in english, Healthy Children Happy Parents.

Consultations are in English, Spanish and Dutch.

Restore your health by activating your natural healing ability.

For over 4,000 years traditional Chinese medicine has been gaining popularity worldwide to treat and prevent various acute and chronic pathologies.The growth in popularity of the use of Chinese medicineis derived from its effectiveness in adults and childrens.

When applied in acute situations the relief is almost immediate and with chronic
health disorders treatment helps to decrease or stop the process of disease evolution
and therefore improving the quality of life in the short and long term.

The therapeutic techniques of Traditional Chinese medicine are: Acupuncture Herbal Medicine Tui Na massage and Qi Gong exercises. Practicaly all over the world acupuncture is recognized as a valid and effective therapeutic technique by all Medical Orders. Every day there is more scientific evidence confirming the Benefit of Acupuncture in the Treatment of various pathologies.

The clinical evidence also proves its broad performance. The World Health organization Highlights Acupuncture as possibility of treatment in various disorders of which I specialized in treating following diseases:
-Musculoskeletal Acute or chronic sports injuries Low back pain
-Sciatica Disc herniation Tendonitis Arthrosis.
-NEUROLOGICAL: Migraine Facial paralysis Micraenas Acute or chronic headaches -Dizziness
-EMOTIONAL CHANGES: Anxiety Depression Insomnia Phenomena GENITO URINARY: -Pain / irregularity menstruation, Deminished Libido, Infertility, Controlling menopause symptoms,
-Overactive bladder / incontinence
-Other: fever, allergies, Acne vulgaris, eczema,

Information & contact

Centro Acupuntura Palma

+351 963 240 640